Joshua Cooper, MD, FACS


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Dec 02

Dr. Cooper

Do I need a Breast Lift along With Augmentation?

by Dr. Cooper

It is very common after pregnancies or weight loss to lose breast volume, and along with that can come sagging breast skin and nipples (ptosis is the medical term!).  Additionally, the location of the nipple can become lower than it used to be as well.  Sometimes the nipple stays in the same position, but the breast tissue sags below the nipple and infra-mammary crease (that is the crease under the breast), and we call this glandular ptosis. 

The great news is that a breast lift (mastopexy) can help to bring your breast shape back to the pre-pregnancy or pre- weight loss look that it had.  The breast lift does result in a thin scar around the areola, and a vertical scar on the breast below the areola as well.  We call this a vertical breast lift with a "lollipop" scar.  

Occasionally, a small horizontal incision is needed too, depending on the breast anatomy, and this incision is hidden under the breast. 

In order to replace the lost volume that your breast might have in the upper portion of the breast (the "upper pole"), a breast augmentation may also be performed at the same time.  

Come on in today for a free consultation to be evaluated by Dr. Cooper.  He and his staff will demonstrate how your breast shape and size can be improved for the better!