Joshua Cooper, MD, FACS


Dr. Cooper

May 27

Dr. Cooper

Wearing a Tank Top Again!

by Dr. Cooper

This week, for the first time in over 25 years, one of my patients was able to wear a sleeveless shirt!  She is very excited.  Thanks to the arm lift (brachioplatsy) that she had, she no longer feels self-conscious about her arms!

After losing weight after a gastric bypass operation, she was left with a lot of excess skin of her upper arms.  She was tired of feeling so embarrassed when she wore short sleeve shirts outside her home, and she also wanted to fit more comfortably into her clothes.

The operation took about 3 hours, and her recovery involved very little pain.  (Every patient is different of course, and some patients have more pain than others, but she really had very little, if any, pain.)  She had some swelling of her arms for about a month, but now, just over two months out from her procedure, she has minimal swelling.

Body contouring procedures, such as arm lifts, can really change the way patients look and feel!